You may register below for online lessons, the entire online certification course, or the 5 1/2-day onsite class. Please call us at +1-805-640-9798 if you need assistance with your enrollment process or to answer any questions.
Onsite class space is limited. To assure a place in our onsite class, full tuition must be received 30 days prior to the first day of the onsite class. We will accept students up until the first day of the onsite class, space permitting.
* We encourage all of our prospective students to view our catalog prior to enrolling. Please review the refund policies for the specific program in which you are interested in enrolling.
“Love and Gratitude to all of the amazing people I met in class this week. So many stories and so much love for dogs. The universe just got a little more compassionate.” Laura London, Certified CPDT-KSA (Dog Trainer)
Admission Requirements:
To be eligible for our certificate courses, a student must:
- Be at least 18 years of age. Prospective students under age 18 may be admitted with the approval of the students parent/guardian and with the submital of a parental release form.
- Be socially and psychologically capable of performing massage.
- Be physically able to perform massage.
- Possess a high school diploma, or its equivalent.
- Understand the English language (the Ojai School of Canine Massage does not offer ESL instruction). All instruction will occur in the English language. Incoming students must be proficient in English. Proficient means 75% or greater proficiency in the English language.
Documentation of English language proficiency:
English language proficiency is documented by either the admissions interview or receipt of prior education documentation.
**Please Note: The Ojai School of Canine Massage does not provide visa services or English language services to prospective students. The Ojai School of Canine Massage does not offer Closed Captioning instruction but does provide a Closed Caption instructional video.
“Thank you! It was an incredible course. I learned far more than just massage strokes. It has helped me to understand dog behavior, communication, skeletal & muscular canine anatomy, and how to do something purely for my dogs benefit and wellbeing.”
Valerie ♥